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Leisure Club Memberships

Membership Benefits

Trybe - Frequently Asked Questions

Bulk Buy adult sessions
Purchase 10 Adult entries for £60, that's a saving of £10!
These sessions are for those over 16 years old and allow you entry into the Leisure Club. One session per adult may be redeemed [Guests and members]. During selected periods including school holidays, the wristband system will be introduced and these prepaid sessions only count towards the 2-hour session.
Please note, prepaid sessions cannot be redeemed against all-day sessions and you will be limited to the 2-hour session.

Bulk Buy child sessions
Purchase 10 Child entries for £45, that's a saving of £10!
These sessions are for those aged 16 years and under and allow entry into the Leisure Club. One session per child may be redeemed [children ages under 3 are FREE]. During selected periods including school holidays, the wristband system will be introduced and these prepaid sessions only count towards the 2-hour session.
Please note, prepaid sessions cannot be redeemed against all-day sessions and you will be limited to the 2-hour session.